What is joy? It could be many things. A clean conscience, or clean socks. Getting a stocking full of goodies for Christmas. Fishing. Running. Painting a picture. Watching an eagle fly or a fox leap in the snow. Many things can bring joy. I hope your life brings you much joy. I am especially joyful today, because my first eBook is set to publish on January 1st. I am thankful for the people who have coaxed me along. I am thankful for the time I can devote to writing. I am thankful to The Lord for giving us many gifts...the greatest of all: HIMSELF. Life changes, and we change also. It is good to make the best of every straight and every turn in the road. Not saying that I have always made the best of things, I actually have not in many cases. But I have tried. I do try. Hopefully, as a person ages, if we are not smarter... then at least we are more experienced. Many times we start things, and just never get around to finishing them. We run out of time or energy. I am so guilty. But in defense of the Starters, who are not finished yet, the Lion King Song "The Circle of Life" describes the epic battle we all wage: So TODAY I am celebrating the success of finishing this one project. I hope you can look back over your year or years and see the rewards of your efforts..finished or unfinished. Guaranteed, the path behind you has changed because you walked it...there is a rippling wake following all of us. I hope you can look back at it and see the wake of good ripples you have made. And look forward with joy and peace in your heart. Having motivation to keep walking on. It is customary to beat ourselves up constantly over what we NEED to do, or what we have began and not yet finished. Or maybe even what we NEED to BEGIN. We say we failed at this or that...perhaps some things are not even for us. Fish will usually fail at climbing trees...find water if you are a fish and then swim like crazy. Falling is not failing, it is an opportunity to learn and build muscles getting back up. It is an opportunity for others to be inspired by watching your process. It is an opportunity for others to put out a hand to help. And the helped, need to extend a hand to help farther down the road to someone else in the ditch. Life is a circle, a merry-go-round, don't let it sling you off and no shoving other people..remember the playground rules? As long as we are trying it is not over...keep breathing, keep trying. And history proves that when it is time we will, you will. Sometimes, actually always, the time just has to be right. December is not the time to plant corn in most cases....but when it is warm in spring - Get to planting that corn. Don't aggravate yourself all winter because you don't have corn in the ground. Even a cat crouches before it leaps. When it is time to be still, be still. When it is time to move, move. Now, if only Pj will do all of this....yes, I am trying. Still breathing, Still trying. Still a work in process. <><><><> ANYWAYS.....Looking forward into the coming year....I am planning to pull out more manuscripts and pieces of manuscripts from the dusty archives. And do some new writing also. The time is right for me for these tasks. I hope you are encouraged to do what the time is right for you to do. Have a happy ending of 2015 and a productive/successful 2016. And joy. Have some joy. Yours Truly, Pj Swink
Black and White Dark and Light Dull and Bright Contrast. Neither an EITHER nor an OR Contrast exists only as an AND. Contrast is the edge of things Where the various opposings meet and sharply unite. Yet not blend. Thus the brightness of the line of contrast. Like Missouri and Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee, United, yet different. Same, yet not so. The edge of sky, Where it touches the mountains and trees. The edge of sand, Where it finds itself embraced by the sea. The line of sky on the far ocean horizon, as the two merge into distance, only because of the limits of our eyes. The special place where the trio of sand and sky and water meet, As an ever-moving line. Moving Contrast, uncontainable except in a moment. And then, not really contained, but shared for a fleeting instant with a human hand or bare foot. Contrast... Consider with me the perspective beyond bland. Be brave with me as we hold up opposition for viewing, Not only side by side, But closely touching. The Left and Right as integral parts of the whole. Contrast is sharp and often extraordinarily painful. It is an edge, the vanishing end to a knife's blade. It is the point of the tearing of bandage from wounding. The coldest water at first touch of warm skin. The final jump of an eagle's feet from cliff to air. Unmixed separates together, ever defining the edges of each other. There is a beauty in contrast. Even a necessity. Contrast often is only a sliver. The sliver between here and there, this and that. Us and them. It is the point at which we realize we are searingly alive. And so, Overcome by the beauty of life's contrast we smile as we cry. Yesterday touching today as today runs into tomorrow. So often, and so easily, We immerse our own selves in what WE know. And yet, There is always another perspective. Valid or Not. Another. To know and appreciate our own perspective better, Can we venture to entertain the wearing of the shoes of another? The wearing of the ocean on the sand, May or may not change the sand, But does not destroy the sand. And conversely the sand rises up a standard touching the ocean, But does not annihilate the water. Fear is born and bred in the unknown. So don’t fear. Know. Watch & Assess. Decide. Know an opposing view, And thus better Know Thyself. Know better what you should do. Being ever mindful of the blessed line of contrast. Yes, a Blessed Line. Do you see? And with me you might passionately disagree, But yet, I will be friendly like the sea to the sand or the sand to the sea. It is the way I have learned to be. If you find it in your heart, Be like this with me. In all our contrast, we are human beings after all. Running the same human race together each day. Holding each of us our own ideals, carefully formed. Honed by the contrast we dare to see. Thank you when you contrast me. <><><><><><> Let me leave you with a quoting from One far smarter than I. "Matthew 5: (KJV) 43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." |