....Excerpt from “My Life as a Cup"......
And the eye said to the ear, “Dude, why do you not just look and see…..it is as plain as day to me.” And the ear, hearing the eye’s anger replied, “What do you mean? If you would just listen you would know how things are.” And the mouth was silent……because the brain had already told him that when the eye does not hear and the ear does not see….things are as they should be. Let it be. -------- We are part of a greater whole…..and not all will see eye to eye nor hear ear to ear. And this is okay. It is the eyes that see, the ears that hear, the mouth that speaks or remains silent, the brain that thinks, and the hand that both caresses and holds the mallet awaiting the move of the arm. We all have purposes, some similar and some varying. Each must know and do each’s own role….and avoid the role of another. All are necessarily linked into the whole. To find your own role, and to act within it to the fullest….that is peace. To find balance amidst the endless shaking…..that is rest. To be who and what we are each and every minute, regardless of and in spite of those whose role it is to stir chaos….that is the sign of our hope and our strength. To be overcome with love, and to continually sling fear away from us as sweat from our brows….that is God working within us. To be kind, anyways and always, is God working amongst us.”
Dear Readers:
Thank you for your attention to my blog. I appreciate you. Also, I am happy to tell you of some recent success. The post “God Bless The Friends” previously occupying this space has been added to a collection of published poems and prose entitled “31 Scraps And A Couple More.” The eBook “31 Scraps And A Couple More” is available FOR FREE DOWNLOAD for a limited time via Amazon’s KDP SELECT Program…starting January 1, 2016. By choosing to enroll this eBook in the KDP SELECT Program, I agreed to make the digital format available exclusively through KDP, and for free, for a limited time to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers. That would, of course, include this poem/post “God Bless The Friends.” Please Click on THIS LINK at AMAZON for your FREE DOWNLOAD. I am sorry for any inconvenience… And Again, I encourage you to download NOT ONLY this post, but the complete collection at the Link noted above. Thank you again for your consideration. Have a very good day. Pj Swink |